Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:31 PM
trudged to school today with a tired mood.
and i realise the students arnd me,who were aso walking to the school,were the same.
it seems like we're all having the morning sickness,so quiet and weary.
then the distinct sound of laughter and cheers were heard from the primary school opposite our school.
obviously coming from the primary school students.
suddenly,i really felt like being a primary school student again.=)
today was pretty much the same as everyday.
the trainee teacher who took over mr lee had this MEGAWATT smile on his face until it seemed kinda fake.
so i turned arnd and told huiyun,'i shall start calling him the sunshine teacher.'
so dumb.
i know that many of us,deep down,thinks leeMC teaches much better,so we all didnt really took the teacher seriously for the first day of his lesson with us.
i think the sunshine teacher doesn't seemed to notice the smiles on our faces.he seemed to be enjoying himself alot.-.-
and everyone was like mouthing,'im gonna fail emaths.' to each other cuz they found this teacher to be of lesser potiential in teaching dan leeMC.
and he asked the class,'so have all of y'all seen the light??'
tads when huiyun decides tad'll be the quote of the day.
ok so anyway,
i was quite amused to see keith's table,which was in front of mine's, today.
it was so 'NEAT'.
all his textbooks were scattered on the floor,worksheets everywhere,it seriously look like a pig sty.
ok no,worse dan tad.
haha..den zheng yan sommor go mess them all up by throwing them on keith's lap like they're a bunch of money notes.
bully him.
keith was like so frustrated with the mess but he wasn't angry la.
walao.keith gettin angry is like....chia how not sleeping in class.
good example right.
i seriously admire chia how.
its like he got some sleeping disease of sth.
i have never see someone,who sits directly in front of the teacher,can sleep no matter the situations.
teacher just scolded him for slping and he can doze off rightaway after the nagging.
he sleeps no matter sitting up or lying down,and he's most probably capable of slping standing up too.
it would be a miracle if he doesn't slps in class.
he is so damn pro can.
kinda reminds me of an owl.
sleeps so much in broad daylight.
OK i gtg study for chem test alr.
elim's gonna kill me if i fail.
sth funny happened during SS lecture.
remind me to blog bout it some other day.
i hav short term memory and may forgot.
Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:12 AM
oh,so ming kiat does read my blog.
hmm.this sets me thinking.(im really bored now.need sth to tok about)
maybe ders u noe,people who actually reads my blog whom i don't know dey do.
regardless whether they are my friends or aquaintances or someone whom i like or enemies or my old frens or classmates or cousins or relatives(very unlikely).
its becos dey dun tag.
just because they dun tag and chose to read my post in silence.
so im obviously unaware that they actually read bout my my life here.
like,maybe a teacher actually reads my blog,
assuming mr lee MC reads my blog.
and noes all the crap i wrote bout him and his crazyness.
oh gosh tad'll be terrible right?
unless i praise him 24 hrs a day,
den i'll be the teacher's pet!
ok im really thinking too much..
but...who noes?
hmm.maybe the person i like reads my blog.
and i am unsure whether he reads it anot.
so i feel really insecure when blogging becoz i see myself in the eyes of him and
think how he will think if he sees my post.
lols how strange right?
maybe some bloggers aso feel like dis when dey are blogging.
hmm.maybe my enemy reads my blog!
and he may be cursing as he read this.
hahaha i dun tink so.
my tagboard doesn't really have alot of comments like,'u suck'.
but as i say,maybe my enemy doesn't want to tag.
hais.rubbish la im just babbling.
the point is,YOU! YES YOU! MUST TAG MY BLOG!
den i'll noe tad u actually read my blog la..
den i'll have more tags..=)
haha but mean comments are NOT welcome.x)
arh wadever la.
sometimes it better not to noe who's reading yr blog.
u might be in for a surprise..x)
oooh im so jealous!
cass tad pig went to watch I Not Stupid Too a second time today!
hahahaha PRO right?
actually i dun have the need to be jealous cuz i aso did watch it a second time wad..
lols we both are,as u can say,crazy over tad movie i tink.
c'mon la those people who never go watch the movie,
GO WATCH IT BEFORE U REGRET.(dun wait for dvd la,the effect is different)
proof tad both me and cass went to watch it a second time(i rarely do tad u noe)
goes to show tad the movie is super good can.
and oh pls.the 'jack neo film' thingy is just a label for goodness sake.
u can't discriminate all jack neo's productions becos of some lame jack neo movie u've seen before! (like san ge hao ren)
so yeah.
I Not Stupid Too rawks!=)
erm.its 1.39 after midnight now.
and i am listening to jay chou's ye qu.
lols whoa huiyun dun get too worked up ok..hahaa
i've alr listened to yi sheng jue wang,zi wo cui mian,da she tou,breakaway,wu ding,qian zhe ni..
so now it's ye qu.(:
now im listening to Complicated. =)
still,S.H.E songs ultimately rawks.
im listening to Skater Boy now.
He was a boy, she was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk,she did ballet
What more can I say?
He wanted her, she'd never tell
secretly she wanted him as well.
But all of her friends stuck up there nose
they had a problem with his baggy clothes.
He was a skater boy,
she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enought for her
She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space
she needed to come back down to earth.
five years from now, she sits at home
feeding the baby she's all alone
she turns on tv
guess who she sees
skater boy rockin' up MTV
.she calls up her friends,they already know
and they've all got tickets to see his show
she tags along and stands in the crowd
looks up at the man that she turned down.
He was a skater boy,she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enought for her
now he's a super star
slamin' on his guitar
does your pretty face see what he's worth?
sorry girl but you missed out
well tuff luck that boys mine now
we are more than just good friends
this is how the story ends
too bad that you couldn't see
see that man that boy could be
there is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy, and i'm just a girl
can I make it anymore obvious?
we are in love, haven't you heard
how we rock each others world
I'm with the skater boy, I said see ya later boy
i'll be back stage after the show
i'll be at a studio
singing the song we wrote
about a girl you used to know
ENDits 2.14.im listening to Over by lindsay lohan.
its so late and im not even yawning.
ok i tink i shall end here.
this post is flooded with CRAP.
take lots of care ppl.
Friday, February 24, 2006 12:28 AM
waah this week is like H E L L!(lols mr leeMC).
wanna die of stress liao..die aso will die underneath a big pile of textbooks.
hmm..sorry if i am slow in updating my blog.been so busy with sec3 stuff i can barely cope..quite alot of things happen during this week..so much that i can't really rmb all to type in dis blog.erm i have a really bad memory if u all haven notice.haha..
ok.ders dis thing tad happened on wed tad pissed me off real badly and it kinda hurt me.yeah i cried la..but everything's fine now.sometimes when a joke gets too far,its not really funny anymore.im fine with the teasing really, cuz used to it le ma.but i felt really insulted on wed. but haha,everthing's really alright now and im still talking to him as a friend so yeah,forgive and forget.(: (erm if the person im referrin to is reading dis now(i doubt so),thanks for doin wad u did after the incident.at least ure not as childish as i thought.lols.) oh ya,thanks to cass and py too.(py,the example u used on him is damn good sia..hahaha) x)
uhuh.nowadays py and me keep seeing signs we try to prevent from seeing in case we really puke.i wun want to name names lar. but someppl's habit or personality gotta change lar.its kinda making our classmates snort in disgust.yes she's nice but when she does the thing she does in front of the guys,its real disgusting.believe me cuz almost everyone agrees with me.so yeah.just some comments.=)
hey did u 2e2 peeps noe about mingky transferring to cat high soon?
YES IM NOT JOKING(i wish i was).
cass told me.
and erm to be serious,i think its gonna be really hard for him to adjust there.
becuz his new classmates will have to learn to accept him for who he is and not u noe,do things that hurt him mentally.
rmb how we all treated him in sec1?
wad if the same thing happens again in cat high?
that's gonna be very tough to handle.
im being vey frank here.( i dun think he reads my blog anyway)
at least after two years being in the same class wif him,
we ex-2e2s are OKAY with him now.
we know and understand his actions.
which i seriously doubt his classmates-to-be will.
we say simple hellos when meet at the corridors(what's more he's the one who give us the cold choulder when we say hello to him!haha.very ming kiat.)
so y'all get my point?
you can't help but worry for him,yr ex-classmate who brought laughter(and some anger la) to the class the last two years becuz of his lame actions.
hahaa..u think about it before saying im being over-anxious.
i suggest we e2s do sth for him before he leaves(which is very soon according to cass),
i dunno..any suggestions?(:
oh mans wth.did y'all noe MR LEE MC is not gonna teach us for two and a half months soon?
becuz the school wan to give the trainee teacher a chance to teach.
u noe,2 and a half years can change a good damn lot of things.
having a new trainee teacher can cause our A1 in emaths to a B4 or C5..
this is so unfair.
mr lee MC teaches so well and now,we are gonna not hear him toking crap(like,'keep yr toilet bowl mouth shut!' 'go to H E L L!' 'only~~ ' 'i noe y'all are very hungry.very hungry go canteen der and buy food to eat la!why go and eat away my middle equation?!' and 'u all are very good and intelligent..the opposite!')in our class for two and a half months.
omg i can't imagine how boring emaths lesson is goin to be now.
now i can't even look forward to one lesson!(okay maybe except english.lim yong khern is so nice.n funny.)
u shld have seen my face and evryone else's too when he told dis news to us today.
argh.this is great.
absolutely great.
i am so stressed out nowdays.my mind isnt functioning well.and i think im gonna aged faster if dis continues.haha..sommor the journey back home is freaking tiring can!crossing the overhead bridge after my stop.walk for a distance.the sun being so scorching hot la. aaah!i think i can just drop dead.
lols ok its getting late.enuff crap.more 2moro(if i got time.WALAO!every single day except tues of next week got test leh!DIE LIAO LOR)
P.S oh yeah almost forgot.helped kkw with his blog. i link him liao. go link him too lor.=)
someone mumbles:cassie,im sorry.
cass:arh nvm.
wahahaa.cass,monday rmb to send me the *uhem* hor..x)
Monday, February 20, 2006 10:55 PM
i am freaking tired.
and i am so confused.maybe i think too much and got my feelings all mixed up.i don't know.i really don't..will u actually care to tell me? argh.=(
Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:40 AM
its was 3.40am after 12 when i came back home after watching the midnight movie,I Not Stupid Too (again),which starts at 12.40.
and i've finally realised the difference between watching this movie with my parents and watching this movie with my friends.
But Still,I Not Stupid Too RAWKS TO THE CORE!(: wahaha. -.-
Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:23 AM
ok i'll do the game clarice passed on to me.
so yeah clarice tagged me
http://www.clarice-.blogspot.com/ and im suppose to-
the tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of perfect lover.
Need to mention the sex of the target.
Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged.
If tagged a second time,there's no need to post again.
ok before i start listing,im just gonna do the 8 different points thingy and im not gonna do the 'horny inner voice' thingy.because that is so ******.which is gross.utterly disgusting and desperate.im not saying clarice is liddat.she's far from desperate and she noes what im talking about.. so yups.x)
Gender targeted: Male
1.He must not be insensitive.yeah very impt.
2.erm.he may not be taller dan me but it'll be better if he was.(:
3.he must not use vulgarities everyday like its he's daily rountine or hobby.just sometimes,not over-excessively(its irritating),get wad i mean?(huiyun i noe u do.xp)
4.He must not be too childish.yeah yeah its good to stay young at heart but childish guys are petty,and i dun like petty guys.
5.He must have a sense of humour to brighten my day.its ok if it's lame.=)
6.He must not si yao mian zi.die die aso wun make the first call or admit his fault.
7.He must not act cute.wahahaha.yeah some guys do that.EWW.
8.He must not care more about his online game than me.(eg.too busy to go out cuz wanna play online game,too busy to talk on msn cuz playing online games)this totally sucks.u mean i can't even be compared with a stupid online game?lols.i sound so high-and-mighty but seriously,guys who do this pisses me off.unless i have a thing for online games too and den i'll gladly join him.x)
(erm,lemme prolong this by 2 more.)
9.He must not be egoistic.wahat's with the 'guys dun cry' thing?BLEH.ego ego ego.
10.errr..its okay to be younger dan me as long as we like each other.but the age gap must not be too big la.
oks.this is so bo liao of me.now i'll just tag 8 victims and i'm done.(walao.most e2 ppl are alr kana tagged by clarice liao..huh..)
1.eng huat. wahaha.i noe alot of ppl are curious.x)
3.gui ru
7.justin tan
(argh.wad happened to vivien's and my no.1 fan's blog??? )
yeaps tads all.
have fun! (:
Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:25 PM

watched MindFreak just now on channel 5,after American Idol.
criss angel walked through a glass window.
nope the window didnt break,not even a scratch.
he just tore through the paper in front of the window
and walked out.
O.o wow. i was like'what?!' cannot believ my eyes..
walao liddat he can break into shops and steal things liao lor.
but nahs,he probably can even produce money for himself.
haha ok this is crap.
clarice tagged me.
but im not gonna do the list now..2moro probably..
cuz im physically and mentally drained.
i am so tired nowadays.
sec3 life is gettin tougher and its kinda hard to cope sometimes.
and now,sleep is very important to me.
hahaa..stress ar~
today during PE lesson,we were at the study corner there..
den when we were doing warm-ups and chit-chatting,
this freaking crazy woman screams from the top of her apartment flat(which was facing the back
of the schhol),'QUIET!!!' and takes a styrofoam borad with the writing 'quiet' on it.
walao siao one.
she kept banging the styrofoam board on the wall and say what,'keep quiet!if you all continue to make so much noise,i'll tell the vp!if y'all want to make noise,very easy,get out of here!'
aiya sth liddat la..those nonscense rubbish a crazy woman can say..
den we were all like damn pissed off and stared back at her..keep dao-ing her.
wadthehel la.
we aso nv make that much noise lor.
if we did,mr keong would have alr scolded us wad..
den mr keong asked us to move a few distance away so that we would not be close to tad woman's flat..
budden the siao auntie still bu shuang.
say wad,'wads tad boy's name?i want to complain to the school!'
then chia how was like,'my name's chia how!complain la!like i care.'
hahahaha ..
den sommor cuz tad siao lady keep saying want to call up the VP ma..
den mr keong say,'call la.'
LOLS.didnt expect mr keong to say that..cool sia..haha..
then we all very happy tad mr keong side with us ma..
so we clapped our hands and cheered very loudly lor..
purposely let tad deranged woman hear..
lols.den jiaming told me,'walao!early in the morning dun go sleep,wake up and
come complain us..'
hahhaha..ya lor i agree..nth better to do ma.
we girls,to make tad menopause woman angry,started doing the zhonghua cheer when we started to run for our round arnd the school..
zhonghua go!
zhonghua strike!
zhonghua zhonghua stand upright!
we shout until very loud budden the woman like gone back to her house liao..never come out and scold us..hahaha. she sommor go place the styrofoam on near the railings of her block for us to see the word 'quiet'..
hais..some ppl really nth better to do..
whole block only her come out and scold us like mad .
siao one. x)
aaahhh..two more days! two more freaking days to finally get to rest and aso watch I Not Stupid Too again!!!x)
P.S cass,must scream loudly for 2moro's morning assembly hor,dun worry,me and py will laugh at u de..lols. kk kidding la.. jiayou.(:
zong you yi tian.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:08 PM

<---- (adapted from local movie,'I Not Stupid Too' by jack neo)
lols im doiong the history source-based question thing again.
i have time to blog cuz i dun have physics test 2moro cuz i take bio
while many of my physics frens are slogging away for 2moro's test!
lin shi bao fuo jiao.tsk tsk..x)
kk i shall not be mean.
so....i shall blog bout ytd!
erms..ok ytd was valentine's day..
and our class had alr got ready a bouquet of really nice flowers for E-lim(want to attempt to get to her good side.lols.)..
at the third period,
mrs lim came in late and was feeling kinda rushed.
i went up to her with the flowers behind my back...
Me:mrs lim,on behalf of the class....
hahahhaa.i saw her face the clearest.
at first,she was shocked then after seeing the flowers,
she smiled real brightly but den managed to control herself from smiling too much...LOLS.
how nice of our class right..no wonder today in class she never really scold us..sommor praise us bout the 'classroom toilet'..hahaha..wonders a bouquet of flowers can do...(:
den she was really sweet when she said,
my greatest valentine present is to see all of you all get on well with yr life and do well in yr studies..' and we all knew she really mean it.
i was abit afraid that she would start scolding us on spending the class fund and buying flowers for her becuz she started counting the number of roses and estimated the price..haha
so anyway.the main point is that E-lim blushed la ok.
yes E-Lim.cannot issit?
haha during Pe period ytd,
alan saw huiyun and said,'huiyun,i realise yr hairstyle look like classics of the 60's leh'
alan meant it as a compliment but huiyun got so fed up that she attempted to struggle alan to death which is kinda impossible becuz alan is so much bigger dan her.
so she just have to keep covering her ears and mumbling,'kill alan!kill alan!'
no matter how many times i told her to have a haircut of the 60's is a good thing,
she obviously dissagrees strongly and insists on scolding alan,who is dumb enuff to actually give comments bout her new haircut.haha..i noe better than to do that cuz...classmates of two years leh!unless u want to irritate her la..mwahaha.
kk back to the point.
so we had to run two rounds arnd the school and huiyun was still pissed off at alan..
so she was chanting as she ran(i know cuz i ran alongside her),'kill alan!kill alan!'
den alan purposely sommor go run behind her and say,'60's!60's!60's!'
making her run faster..
good hor,liddat can motivate her to run faster...hahaha!
okok..relac huiyun..dun come chanting 'kill felicia!kill felicia!'..
-.- haha..
erm..peiying went back home with me ytd cuz she wanted to come my house to do
a present for her fren..
den on the way back in the bus,
she sat next to the window while i sat on her right..
the she suddenly saw sth out of the window.
only she fated to see this kinda things..
i didnt see leh..
hahaha..kk kidding.
but wadthehell?!?
old man urinating near a tree???
aso not small kid liao...no shame at all..
but py didnt see tad thing('banana') la..
she just saw liquid coming out frm its direction like a small fountain???
den i said 'what if he's only spraying water out of his bottle?'
but we quickly dismiss the idea cuz hahaa..doesnt seem possible..
so suay right py..see this kinda things..hahaha..
anyways,py came my house and she made a mess.
lols ok la not really la..
things we do basically(not all),*not in any order
1.heat different colors candle wax until dey melt.
2.pour candle wax liquid into unique bottle..
3.scrape candle wax
4.dirty my cups with candle wax..hmphs! haha no la py..
5.erm..eat dinner together with the food my dad bought back..
6.was entertained with magic tricks.
7.drink candle wax. haha no im just kidding.
and erm..it was quite fun la..haha..candle wax everywhere!
a great experience..and the present turned out to be quite nice leh!
of cuz la..with my help ma..haha..
py..yr fren better like it ok..=p
she left my house at 10plus..
there was IPP(In Place Protection..right?)..
den i volunteered to do the 'classroom toilet'..haha..i tink its fun..=p
can't wait for sat!
i may be going to watch I Not Stupid Too(again)!
hahahah yays~ =)))))))))
P.S linyu! zong you yi tian.
Monday, February 13, 2006 8:15 PM

taking a break from my revision for history test 2moro.
yeah aka slacking?
mans im really dead beat..wanna go sleep...zzz..
today in chem class,
our teacher,E-lim(socks with sandels),
started to show us the O level results for the classes she taught and not taught.
the classes she taught for chem scored pretty fine and when she said,
'this class is taught by me',
we all started cheering happily(and spastic-ly)..
which she responded by waving her hands embarrassingly and said,'don't do that'
with a tineey weenie small on her face...LOLS.
E-lim leh!
then when she continued telling us the results and revealing which class she taught,
we repeatedly cheered and clapped,
making her repeat the same action again and again.
den alan said,'mrs lim!yr face very red leh!'
hahahaha actually not really red lar but she was defintely embarrassed.
can you believe it?
E-lim getting red in the face?
haha..she's quite a good teacher actually.
too bad she's not gonna continue teaching us chem anymore at the end of dis year..
we'll have a new chem teacher next year..boohoos.
yeah she scolds and screams alot la,budden can see the effort she put in for us..
budden hor,sth really cannot stand her la..
so anyway,
alan started saying,'mrs lim,dun go at the end of dis year leh'
WOW! as in,since when did we get so affectionate with E-lim?
lols the whole scenario was so mushy!
so unlike an E-Lim lesson where there were frequent scoldings and screamings.
2moro's valentines day,
we're gonna give E-lim stalks of roses leh..
ahaha so sweet right....
NAHS! our real motive is for her to stop scolding us and give lesser hmk!!!
kk im just kidding..(:
huiyun!stop talking crap at the class blog!!! tad 'zhen wei' guy is obviously not zhen wei right..so please stop saying such mushy things!! its so freaking me out. lols.=p
P.S i think i am going to watch I Not Stupid Too again this saturday!~! yays~ X)))))))))))
Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:46 PM

i want to watch I Not Stupid Too again!!!
*going crazy*
can anyone tell me if the movie will still be on theatres dis sat??? will it be over by then??*kinda feeling desperate*
12:41 AM
let me elaborate...
i was talking with chester on msn yest..
and i asked him,'do u still have the stomach aches?'
and he said yes..
den i said,'food poisoning?'
he said yes..
den i started telling him that the time i had food poisoning and
vommitted seven to eight times..
so i went to see the doc.
den chester asked,'what happens if you dun see the doc when u have food poisoning?'
den i joked,'die lor.simple as that.'
and oh mans GUESS WAD?
he started freaking out and asked me tons of question like,'how many days it takes to die?'
which i answered,'aiya..no specific dates..u tink i doctor meh?if yr condition worsen den die lor if untreated.'
then asked alot alot of questions which i asnwered quite seriously...
he even changed his personal message to: going to toilet 10 times counted as wat?waa..food poisoning causes death!! i very scared...
i noe u may be thinking,'aiya he just playing along with you la.he knows ure kidding.'
but if u could only see the conversation.
but i deleted it.=(
and now he says he dun wan to go to school alr cuz he gettin mc,staying at home.
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
then i dun go school le la
+[Fel]* i am so gonna watch the show a second time. i not stupid too rawks. CHIL ~~ x) says:
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
i get mc
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
say food poisoning serious stage
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
must stay at home
the later on..
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
i dun wan see doc tmr
+[Fel]* i am so gonna watch the show a second time. i not stupid too rawks. CHIL ~~ x) says:
u want to die issit?
+[Fel]* i am so gonna watch the show a second time. i not stupid too rawks. CHIL ~~ x) says:
ok lor.
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
no la
+[Fel]* i am so gonna watch the show a second time. i not stupid too rawks. CHIL ~~ x) says:
go lor.
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
i wan see doc TODAY
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
not tmr
...ok saw that?
that is just minor. u shld have seen the previous one.
i was laughing my ass off.
then sommor,i said'hmm'
den he said,'hmm wad?'
i said,
'nth..im just thinking,"dis might be the last conversation between me and you.'
then he was like,
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
u curser
ChEstEr(^(oo)^) busy with stomach aches says:
u poisoner
he accuses me of poisoning him.
i said he going to die alr still scold me.
omg can u believe how gullible he is??????
ok i am really mean now and chester is probably going to come with a hammer and clobber me.
sorry la..but dis story is too funny to pass up..
laugh it off ok??
hahahha..you were really funny. x)
then he found out that food poisoning does not include poo-ing but vommitting instead(like me)..
den i said'yr point is?'
he siad'tad means im not gonna die!'
so i said,'yes u are'
den yadda yadda yadda la..haha..
i refused to give up.x)
and at the end when i revealed that i was kidding,
he said he was entertaining me only...
hahaha u believe?
i dont.(:
P.S if i die today,y'all noe who the murderer is. (oh no i forgot!maybe the murderer will die before me!)
Saturday, February 11, 2006 11:26 PM
rme:so cool!
cass:so lame!
me and cass:whatever!
(adapted from local movie 'I Not Stupid Too' by jack neo)
lols. sounds like history source-based question right..hahahahaha
ok..i am kinda overwhelmed with alot of emotions now.
its all I Not Stupid Too movie fault.
gimme a second.
so this afternoon,
i met py and cass at plaza sing. the macdonalds der.(outside dolby ghaut)
hey i was the earliest! (finally.)
den py dressed until so sexy...haha..
we three went to walk around and took neoprints.
then we were inside taking them,
a teenager(actually older dan us) came and open the curtain to look at us.
at first,we all thot tad it was just someone trying to see if this neoprint station is occupied anot..
budden weirdly,the girl keep on standing der looking at us when we were at
the midst of taking the photos...
den she say,"i see see only"..
budden we felt so weird...
den wen we go out to decorate the pics on the screen,
she followed too and keep saying,"the pictures so cute"(sth liddat).
so i said xie xie and den continue wif wad i was doin..feelin really strange and embarrassed a little...
den she asked,"can 1 person take aso?"(referring to herself)..
and "how much to pay?"..we answered her ques..so awkward.
den when we decorated the photos alr and was supposed to wait for the photos to come out,
the teenager bent down next to the machine and waited for the photos to drop out of the slot.
den my first thought was,"is she gonna grab our photos and run away?"
cuz whythehell is she squatting down to wait for our photos to drop out instead of us?
haha..den she kept glancing upwards at us..i can only smile politely.
den weh she got hold of the fotos,
i quickly said xie xie and took the photos from her..haha..half-afraid she would really run way wif the.. (i dunno why)
den wen me cass and py bent over to see the fotos,she stood beside me and bent over too..
lucky she never follow us anymore when we left the neoprint station..discussing immediately on what just happened.
weird.......we deduce that
1)she has a mental problem..(from her actions and her expressions)
2)she's just a lonely tennager and wants to make more frens
3)she has never taken a neoprint before and wants to see how its done (which is quite unlikely)
so anyway,
we went to check the seats for our show..
and we founf out that der was only the front row seats left..
so with cass mom's help,we proceeded to yishun der to watch the 3.40 show..
at der,we kept playing running-away games when any of us wasn't noticing.
me and cass ran away frm py..
py and cass ran away from me..(hey at least i turn arnd in time and saw them running away lor..unlike some ppl who had to look arnd aimlessly for us..lols jkjk..)
we got the very last seat in the cinema..
the show started..
first few parts were damn funny..
then came the middle part.
and that is when me and cass started to cry.
but we didnt expect we would continue crying and sobbing from then onwards for many parts of the movie..
it was so touching.
cuz i was seated next to the wall and cass(on my right)..
i was leaning onto the wall and crying and sniffing endlessly..
den cass put and arm on my shoulder and said,
"dun worry,im crying too"
den she offered me a tissue..
aww..how sweet.
den heartless py(haha kidding) was laughing at us instead...she aso got cry lor!
but not as much as us la..
then can hear alot of ppl seated arnd aso crying la..
and what's more,we cried and laugh at the same time for many parts of the show!
it was really very touching and hilarious.
to be frank,i didnt expect myself to cry so much(i didnt bring any tissue at all) and
didnt expect the show to be SO GOOD.
it was better dan i expected.
much better.
obviously 'local movies' is just a term.
the impt thing is whether the movie is good or not.
me and cass's eyes were red when we exited after the show ended..
i dunno what those ppl who never turn up for today's gatherin reason is(some i noe la),
but its such a pity.
GO! go watch the movie..it is unbelivably touching.
yes,that good.
i want to watch a second time..
oh ya. the actors and actresses all acted super well..
and cass was dripping saliva liao..cuz see sth..
lols jkjk...
i haven started on E maths yet.
ders alot of hmk and im goin to die.
P.S boy:where do the baby in yr stomach come from????
teacher:err..daddy's 'worm' and mommy's 'egg' combined together and produced the baby
in the mommy's womb.(sth liddat)
(adapted from local movie 'I Not Stupid Too' by jack neo)
so lame!
so cool!
i've been misunderstood!
Thursday, February 09, 2006 12:07 AM
ok if i tell you that im in TAF club,how would u react?
HAHAHAHA..i freaked out~
i was having my hmt lesson in the morning when my fren told me
she saw my name included in the list of TAF club members.
i was like,"WHAT!?!"
then later in bio lesson,felicia heng told me the same thing and asked me if i knew bout it.
i got so fed up by then cuz WHY THE HELL AM I IN TAF CLUB WHEN IM NOT CONSIDERED OVERSIZED?! (we shld not use the word FAT cuz its insulting to those in TAF club and its not a crime to be BIG)
as in,im not overweight or anything la u noe.
not that im really skinny either.
far from that .
so anyway,
me and py went to the list to check during recess and BAM!
my name and everything was there...then i realised my height was recorded as 151cm.
obviously there's a mistake.
a pretty lame mistake.
and with fiona's and py's confirmation,i am pretty sure THE TEACHERS MADE A BIG MISTAKE OF PUTTING MY NAME THERE.
so me and jiaming decided to go find mr kwong after school to confront him.
haha jiaming weighs 48kg.SHE SHLD NOT BE IN TAF CLUB TOO.
its partly cuz of her height but i belive TAF club is not gonna change any of that so what's the use?
mr kwong said he will change for us.
so there.(:
but now,so many of my frens think im in TAF club and went to ask me if it's true.
and erm,im not saying being in TAF club is bad u noe,
as in,dun misunderstand me of discriminating TAF club ppl cuz i do not.
this situation is all bout my personal problem.
scare me for nth. =.=
i was talking to cass on the phone when me and her decided to talk in whispers.
hahaha yes lame.
so we were whispering softly on the phone throughout for like..5 mins?
its pretty good for me cuz i have a sore throat.
den cass got impatient and started talking in her normal retarted voice.
budden i forced her to say 'goodbye' to me in whispers before she and i hung up.
-.- yes i noe.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 7:28 PM
because of one A maths question.
i just can't find the answer!
its either my answer is wrong,or i am just plain dumb,or the answers on the back of the book is wrong(unlikely),or my answer is half correct.
haha ohwells.
gotta keep trying anyways.
by the end of the day,i'll probably be left with a few strands of hair
cuz of the many i pulled out in frustration.
ok so btws,
my brother and I were eating dinner ytd together..
then when we were finishing,
i playfully scoop up(ok dug up)the eyeball of the bony fish on the plate on
our table and placed it happily on my brother's plate,asking him to eat it.
Grossed out,he scooped it up from his bowl and put it into mine.
budden when he was not looking,
i quickly put it inder his spoon so he wun notice the fish eyeball immediately.
so when he found out,he was like,"why u put the eyeball back in my bowl!?!"
then attempted to throw it back into my bowl again.
but sadly,he failed.
after many attempts,
he still failed because i was purposely moving arnd the house with my bowl in my hands..
then the fish eyeball was like,sliding dangerously on his spoon which he held it up to prepare to dump the eyeball into my bowl.
he dropped the eyeball onto the floor!!!
and had to clean it up!
ok i sound so mean.
but the whole incident is pretty funny.=)
and nahs my brother was not angry with me la.
haha ok enuff with my lame recount.
anyways,i've decided to start on my E maths first and do my A maths later.
yes..and im slacking.
haha..so tired..almost dozed off today during bio.
tissues,cells,organs...yadda yadda yadda.
ok i shall slack no more.
oh ya e2'05 ppl,ders a movie gathering on sat if y'all haven noe(check the class blog!)..
hope to see y'all der k.(:
goodbye! x)
P.S cass and py are my two wacko and crazy frens who make fun of me whenever they have the chance.hmphs! u two good lor..ganged up against me everytime..=(
but they rawk nevertheless!(:
Saturday, February 04, 2006 5:55 PM
came back from school.
cldds got two performances today.
in the auditorium.
den got all the braddell cc ppl..
mostly elderly woman..not old woman..
but elderly woman.
and they were dressed very colourfully.
den dey keep saying 'xin nian quai le' to each other.
then at the start some pupils came onstage to collect financial aid..(i dun understand why must come onstage for financial aid?so weird can),
den i thot dey come onstage to take prize ma.
so when i saw someone i know,
ppl were clapping politely while i cheered leh.
walao,i went,''woooo!'' .
den fiona tell me is go take financial aid leh i cheer for wad,
den walao i kept laughing like hell lor.
LOLS so damn funny can.
i so pai seh liddat den fions keep laughing at me.
hahhahahahaha walao i damn lame.
the ppl going onstage not even looking happy lor i sommor go cheer for them.-.-
den after a few new year songs sung by the elderly ladies,
they played a game where those elderly ladies go onstage to make out the actions of a new year cheng yu(like xin nian quai le) den we audience are suppose to guess wad cheng yu is tad..
then hahahaha.we sabo fiona to go up.
den she when its her turn she go mouthed the words out(xin nian quai le) while doing the actions.-.-
of cuz we know la.
haha so funny the whole senario.
kks.den after the two plays,
we went home lor.
den on the way to the bus interchange,
fiona and i saw dis cute dog whose owner put it in a ''trolley''..
the fiona said,''so cute!''
then the dog suddenly jump up a little and started barking fiercely.
poor fiona got scared.
lols i was quite taken aback too.
too sudden alr.
budden i kept laughing at fiona cuz the dog barked at her and nv barked at me.
evil hor.x)
sians man dun feel like doin hmk.
slack sia.
ok bye.x)
hahaha i dunno.
just felt like posting these links again.-.-
Friday, February 03, 2006 8:03 PM
finally finally friday!
this week has simply been hectic and chaotic!
i've a headache these few days.
too much to learn and do..
plus all those tests.
head going to burst liao.
oh anyways.
i found two interesting websites that my cousins shown me
when they came to my house for steamboat.
http://www.thispagecannotbedisplayed.com/ -read the lame contents!
this other website is pretty common but whatever.
http://chester.youarelame.com/http://cassandra.youarelame.com/http://peiying.youarelame.com/http://carine.youarelame.com/http://jonathan.youarelame.com/HAHAHAHA ok lemme explain why i have chosen these few people.
ok seriously,it is pretty obvious why i chose chester right?
and continues making my life hell by going 'ah gong' and 'cldds going to close down liao' WHENEVER he sees me.
so the first person i thought of to put the name in this website so that he or she can
be insulted and i can MWAHAHAHA take my revenge!!
cassandra.my dear retarted pig.(: put yr name becuz u ganged up with py to tease me.
hahaha no la i put yr name becuz ure a retarted pig and retarted pigs are naturally lame.=)
pei ying.the big bad wolf.lols..must put yr name becuz i get scolded 'i've never seen such a dumb person' almost everyday by you.haha ok la i noe u joking but i shall still put yr name cuz ure lame too.x)
carine!haha you must be very surprised to see yr name der..lols who ask u keep saying bout the tnb thing?haha..punishment!! =p
jonathan. aiya,simple.cause he is 110% lame right from the top to the bottom.x)
lols ok no offense people.
those names that i've not included shld be honoured cuz dis proves they didnt offend me in any way and does not deserve such punishment.
BUT! if u want yr name to be included(i dunno why),then you either tag my blog and tell me so i can include OR copy and paste the website and cancel off that person's name and put yr own.
and HA!
look at this-->
http://heyyoulamerwhatsyourproblemgohomeandsleepla.youarelame.com/hahhaa.you can add much more if u like.
how lame am i right to do this things.
http://felicia.youarelame.com/hahaha i admit im lame.=)
ok what's next..
erm oh ya bout today..
had two tests-A maths and E maths.
actually,E maths was pretty ok..but i comfirm lose more
than 4 marks alr.=(
A maths was abit tougher dan E maths and i comfirm lose more
than 3 marks alr.=(
aha sad..but wads done is done.
so relieved that the two tests are finally over.
then after school,
i stayed back in class to do hmk with fiona..
but we kept laughing like hell..
then we can hear the NCC clearly as they were running arnd the school compound
and shouting all the way..
haha then i heard someone shouting ,''i want to hear the teletabies(wadthehelldunnohowtospellla)song!" while leading the NCC in their run.
tinky winky!dipsy!lala!po! (wadthehellidunnohowtospelltheirfreakingnamesla)
haha..how lame.
me and fiona stayed until arnd 5 then we left..
met jonathan lau and he joined us..
so as expected,there was alot of crap(walao fiona + lau leh!)..
im the quietest one..
HAHAHA yeah right.
bought bubble tea(warning.dun buy champagne grape bubble tea.nono not nice)..
and went home!
hmms yeah bout CNY!
after the cny celebration in school(ok i so admit tad the cldds play was quite confusing for people who see it the first time and ya it kinda stinks la.but hey!cldds still rawks cuz ders more rawking plays coming up unlike BADMINTON which is so gonna be EXTINCT la.haha..),
i went for tuition.
and nopes i didnt go back to my old school=(
or celebrate bdae wif fions=( .
but after tuition,
i went to eat reunion dinner with my relatives and grandparents.
nothing much..
den the next day,
i went to my grandparents(father's side)house first to bai nian!
got ang paos !=D
and spent the time playing with my cousins stuff like truth or dare..blah blah..
and gosh!my little boy cousin is sooooo cute!!
and he's smart for a boy his age(6 i think) .
uhuh..den after bai-ing nian at there,
i went to my other grandparents house(mother's side).
got more ang pows..
but was pretty bored there.
cause not really close with my cousins..
so tads bout all..?
i didnt have much money lor,
from the ang pows..
some frens got 300plus or 700plus dollars leh.
wah so xian mu..
then on tues,
my relatives and grandparents came to my house for steamboat.
yummy yum!
i watched 'sky high' vcd with my cousins..
my whole house was really crowded and rowdy..
very new-year atmosphere..(:
oks oks oks.
getting late and i have to report to school at 12 2moro,
cause cldds is performing two plays at braddell CC (shuddup chester).
bye people.
P.S cass is obssessed with me i knew it.i have evidence!MWAHAHAHA.
okok kidding. no.3! x)